Red Light Therapy

red light therapyRed Light Therapy or low level laser therapy is a safe, painless and non-invasive treatment offering the latest advancement in light emitting diodes (LED) technology in a unique pad design that allows several parts of the body to be treated: arms, legs, stomach, back and face.

The combined wavelengths of LED (635nm) and near infrared light (880nm) blend the proven beneficial aspects of both frequencies for body contouring and inch loss, pain management, temporary relief of arthritis and muscle/joint pain, increased local blood circulation, and increased collagen production.

Additionally, there are ongoing studies that are discovering more treatment indications for this spectrum of light therapy, including for skin issues, hair loss, brain related issues, and immune system rebalancing, among others.


Our red light therapy devices deliver both red light (635nm) and near infrared light (880nm) via high-powered LEDs that are embedded into a soft and flexible pad. The pads are applied to any area of the face or body, conforming to the contours of a patient’s treatment area, and allowing the light source to be as close to the skin as possible.

The light penetrates through the skin to target fat cells up to 2 inches below the surface of the skin. Once penetrated, the red light temporarily breaks down part of the cell membrane. This allows stored fat cells to leach out, shrink, and be removed through your body’s natural waste removal process.

BENEFITSred light therapy before and after

  • Body Contouring
  • Inch loss
  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite
  • Increased collagen production
  • Pain management
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Reduced Inflammation

Red Light Therapy FAQ’s

  1. Does red light therapy hurt?
    Absolutely not! You will look forward to your red-light sessions! You will be losing inches while the red light therapy pads work their magic creating a slight warming sensation that is both soothing and relaxing.
  2. Is there any downtime?
    There’s no downtime, and you can resume your normal activities right after the session. That being said, eating healthy and exercising are strongly encouraged.
  3. How long does it take?
    Our red light therapy sessions last anywhere from 25-30 minutes.
  4. Does it help with anything other than inch loss?
    Yes! Red light therapy has proven beneficial aspects for not only body contouring and inch loss, but also pain management, temporary relief of arthritis and muscle/joint pain, increased local blood circulation, treatment of skin conditions and increased collagen production.
  5. What skin conditions can red light therapy help with?
    Red light therapy is promoted as a treatment for some common skin conditions, including to:

    • Improve wound healing.
    • Reduce stretch marks.
    • Reduce wrinkles, fine lines and age spots.
    • Improve facial texture.
    • Improve psoriasis, rosacea and eczema.
    • Improve scars.
    • Improve sun-damaged skin.
    • Improve hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia.
    • Improve acne.
  6. How much does it cost?
    We have a variety of packages to choose from that will ensure your red light therapy experience allows you to meet your health and wellness goals while remaining affordable. Give us a call to learn more today: 949-240-6713
  7. HIs there anyone who should not do red light therapy?
    While red light therapy is considered safe for most clients, you should not do red light therapy if you have active cancer (within 1 year of remission), uncontrolled high blood pressure, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C or D, are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a pacemaker.