Med Bed

The Med Bed

The Med Bed
Experience the Med Bed. Our MedBed combines PEMF, infrared heat and brainwave entrainment to promote healing and balance in the mind & body. Whether you are perfectly healthy or want to treat a specific condition/symptom, the Medbed can help. Aside from general wellness, the MedBed has symptom specific settings and can target specific issues including, but not limited to:

Acute or Chronic Injury/Pain, Allergies, Autoimmune Diseases, Neuropathy, Cataracts, Crohns Disease, Diabetes, Depression, Lack of Energy, Fybromyalgia, Heartburn, Herniated Discs, Immune Support, IBS, Kidney Stones, Menopause, Migraines, Obesity, Psoriasis, Restless Leg Syndrome, Stress, Tinnitus, Ulsers, UTI, Varicose Veins, Whiplash, Wound Healing and much more!

The Med Bed combines PEMF, infrared heat and brainwave entrainment to give you an experience unlike anything you have had before!

PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field)
Enhances the body’s natural recovery process.
Corrects cellular dysfunction throughout the body.
Stimulates and exercises cells to recharge cells.
Gives patients more energy naturally.
Improves athletic performance.
Reduces inflammation and pain.
Helps you recover from an injury faster.

Infrared Technology
Improves Circulation & Cardiovascular Function.
Improves Immune System Function.
Relieves Pain and Chronic Inflammation.
Eases Joint Pain and Stiffness.
Reduces Stress and Fatigue.
Improves Skin.
Assists in Detoxification.

Brainwave Entrainment
Increased attention (gamma and beta waves)
Healthy sleep (theta and delta waves)
Reduced stress and anxiety (alpha waves)
Improved memory (gamma and beta waves)
Enhanced meditation (alpha waves)
Mood boost (gamma and beta waves)

We know you will LOVE the Med Bed as much as we do.

Call & Book Your Session Today!

What the Med Bed Helps

Acne  ADD/ADHD  Cancer (accompanying)
Acoustic neuroma  Autism  Carbuncules
Acute injury  Autoimmune disease  Carpal tunnel syndrome
Adenomyosis  Autonomic dystonia  Cataract
Aids  Autonomic neuropathy  Cervical myelopathy
Allergies  Back pain  Chalazion
Alopecia  Bed-wetting  Chickenpox
Alzheimer´s dementia  Bell´s Palsy  Childhood (prophylactic)
Amenorrhea  Benign prostatic hyperplasia  Cholecystitis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  Blepharitis  Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Anemia  Bloating  Cicatricial alopecia
Aneurysm  Boils  Cirrhosis
Angina pectoris  Brachial plexus injury  Cold
Ankylosing spondylitis  Bronchitis  Compartment syndrome
Anorgasmia  Bruise  Competition preparation
Aortic aneurysm  Bunion  Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
Appendicitis  Burn  Congestive heart failure
Archilles tendinitis  Burnout  Conjunctivitis
Arrythmias  Bursitis  Coronary artery disease
Arterial Disease  Calcaneal bursitis  Coxarthitis
Asthma  Calf strain  Crohn´s Disease
Cystitis  Exhaustion  Heart attack
Decubitus ulcers  Erectile dysfunction  Heartburn
Deep venous thrombosis  Failed back surgery syndrome Heel spur
Degenerative disc Fever  Hematoma
Delayed onset muscle soreness Fibrodysplasia ossificans  progressiva Hemolytic anemia
Dementia  Fracture  Hemorrhage
Depression  Furuncules  Hemorrhoids
Diabetes  Fybromyalgia  Hepatitis
Diarrhea  Gallstones  Herniated dics
Diverticulitis  Ganglion cyst  Herpes simplex virus
Dizziness  Gastritis  Herpes zoster
Dry mouth  Gastroesophageal reflux  disease (GERD) Hyperhidrosis
Dysmenorrhea  Gingivitis  Hypertension
Ear infection  Glaucoma  Hyperthyroidism
Earache  Goiter  Iliotibial band syndrome
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) Golfer´s elbow  Immune system support
Embolism  Gout  Impotence
Emphysema  Grave´s ophthalmopathy  Indikation English
Epilepsy (Contraindication) Hammer toe  Infertility
Inflammation  Mastoiditis  Muscle strain
Inflammatory bowel disease Measles  Muscle tension
Influenza  Meniere´s disease  Muscle tension headache
Insomnia  Meniscus tears  Mycotic infection
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Menopausal symptoms  Myocardial infarction
Joint dislocation  Menorrhagia  Myofascial pain
Jumper´s knee  Meralgia paresthetica  Myringotomy
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis Metabolic disease  Nausea
Metastatic disease  Neck pain
Kidney stones  Metatarsalgia  Necrosis
Lactose intolerance  Migraine headache  Nerve injuries
Laryngitis  Mononeuritis multiplex  Neuralgia
Lateral epicondylitis  Mononucleosis  Neuritis
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease Multiple scleroris  Neurodermatitis
Lichen planus  Mumps  Neuropathic pain
Ligament injuries  Muscle aches  Nocturnal enuresis
Liver disease  Muscle contraction  Obesity
Lou Gehrig´s disease  Muscle contusion  Occlusive artery disease
Low back pain  Muscle cramps  Olecranon bursitis
Malignancies  Muscle spasm  Oral candidiasis
Orthostatic hypotension  Peripheral artery disease  Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
Osgood-Schlatter´s disease Peripheral neuropathy  Retinitis pigmentosa
Osteoarthritis  Peripheral vascular disease  Rheumatic fever
Osteochondrosis  Pharyngitis  Rheumatoid arthritis
Osteomyelitis  Pneumonia  Rheumatoid heart disease
Osteonecrosis  Polyneuropathy  Roseola
Osteopenia  Post-exercise recovery  Rotator cuff tendinitis
Osteoporosis  Postherpetic neuralgia  Rubella
Otitis externa  Pregnancy (Contraindication) Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
Otitis media  Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Salivary glands
Otosclerosis  Prepatellar bursitis  Sciatica
Ovarian cysts  Pressure ulcer  Scoliosis
Overtraining syndrome  Prevention  Seizure disorder (Contraindication)
Pain (acute)  Prosthetic joint  Sexual responds
Pain (cronic)  Prosthetic joint loosening  Shin splints
Pancreatitis  Psoriasis  Shingles
Paralysis  Pulmonary embolism  Sickle cell anemia
Parkinson´s disease  Pyelonephritis  Sinusitis
Patellar tendinitis  Quadriceps contusion  Sleep disturbances
Periodontal disease  Radiculopathy  Sore throat
Periostitis  Raynaud´s disease  Spinal cord injuries
Spinal fusion  Tennis elbow
Spinal pain  Tennis leg
Spinal surgery  Tenosynovitis
Spondylolisthesis  Thrombophlebitis
Sport injuries  Tinnitus
Sprain  Torn muscle
Steatosis  Torticollis
Stenosing tenosynovitis  Trigeminal neuralgia
Steroid use and abuse  Trochanteric bursitis
Stress  Ulcerative colitis
Stroke  Ulcers
Sty  Urethritis
Sudek´s dystrophy  Urinary incontinence
Sunburn  Urinary tract infection
Supraventricular tachycardia Vaginal candidiasis
Synovial cyst  Varicella-zoster virus
Synovitis  Varicose veins
Systemically lupus erythematosus (SLE) Venous disorder
Tachycardia  Whiplash
Tendinitis  Wound healing
Tendon rupture  Xerostomia


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long do I need to use PEMF?
    Basically, and if assigned because of a particular situation, apply as long as the healing period has been accomplished and you are free of any symptoms. However, PEMF application is also designed and effective as a preventive modality. Apart from a healthy lifestyle (proper diet, hydration, exercise, avoid alcohol and nicotine), implement PEMF application into your daily routine! The use of the Med Bed is very beneficial in terms of keeping your entire organism healthy, PEMF supports relaxation, stress relief and improves your quality of sleep!.
  2. Will I feel anything during a PEMF application?
    Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields within the low-frequency and low-intensity range can usually not be sensed by the user. However, many people may feel a slight tingling in their fingers, arms, toes or legs. Additionally, due to the increase of blood circulation, people feel a pleasant warmth inside their body. The warmth is hereby not generated by the applicator itself but by the body’s reaction on it (= resonance effect). People with a very high sympathetic level (stress) tend to fall asleep quickly during a PEMF application due to its balancing, relaxing and calming properties. Be aware to slowly stand up after an application to avoid positional vertigo.
  3. Are there legal contraindications or interactions?
    PEMF devices of all kinds (high- and low-frequency, high- and low-intensity) are not free of contraindications and interactions. Depending on the applied field intensity, frequency and waveforms, contraindications may vary widely. Based on the risk analysis, which is a mandatory part of any medical certification, the legal contraindications for the Med Bed are as follows:

    • During pregnancy
    • In case of epilepsy
    • With electronic implants such as pacemakers or insulin pumps (exceptions with the consent of a treating physician)
    • Children younger than 2 weeks


    In addition, the following so-called “relative contraindications”, therefore we name them interactions, need to be considered and must be evaluated by a licensed health care provider on an individual basis prior to a PEMF application:

    • Tumor illnesses
    • Serious cardiac arrhythmia
    • In acute attacks of hyperthyroidism
    • In the case of oversensitivity to electromagnetic radiation (EMS)